ViewSonic Knowledge Base


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard

Devices page

The Devices page allows admins to perform the following tasks:

  • Add and remove devices to manage
  • Send commands to devices
  • Organize devices into groups
  • Review details for added devices
  • Export a list of all devices

These tasks can be performed remotely via the web interface. Additionally, you can send commands individually to each device, or by batch to a group of devices.

Add devices

On first launch, the Devices page will not have any device listed and shows the following tutorial page.

You will need to add devices manually. To perform this task, follow the steps in the article below: 

Send commands

Once you have devices added, use the side panel to send commands to one or more devices. To view the full list of commands, refer to the article below:

For devices assigned with an Advanced license: Use Jobs to apply commands with specific pre-defined parameters to devices. These commands can be sent to take effect immediately, or set to run on a schedule. A job can be applied to multiple devices, or groups of devices. To assign jobs, see the guide below:

Sort into groups

Organize devices into groups to apply tasks to multiple devices at once. Supported tasks include sending commands, assigning profiles, scheduling jobs, etc. Note that while actions are applied to all devices within a group, specific actions will only take effect if the target device supports it. 

For more details on creating a group and adding devices into groups, see the guide below:

Review device details

After devices are registered, the Details page displays a list of all devices added under your Entity. To view individual details for each device, perform the following:

  1. Locate the device you want to review.
  2. Click on the row of your target device. Leave the checkbox unselected. 
    A new side panel should appear.

  3. Note the icons on the top:
      Device info.
    Displays technical specifications for the device. Additionally, you can perform the following on this panel:

      Edit the information for this field.

      Add or remove this device from a group.

      Show the device location on a map.

      System & apps.
    Displays current system usage info. Offers some limited app management. Note that only user-installed apps can be removed from the device.
    Displays certificate information. Only available if the device: 
    a. Was assigned with an Advanced license, and 
    b. Supports the certificate feature.
  4. Click × to close the panel.

Devices top toolbar

The number of devices on the list may increase over time. To manage this list, the Devices top toolbar provides several options. Most options require at least one device to be selected. 

Show only devices with Advanced license
Applies a filter so the list only displays devices assigned with an Advanced license.
  Start a broadcast
Launches a popup where you can customize and send a broadcast to the selected devices. For more details, see the guide below:    
  End a broadcast
Ends a broadcast on the selected devices, if they are currently displaying a broadcast.For more details, see the guide below:     
  Manage apps
Install, uninstall, and toggle the visibility of apps appearing on selected devices. For more details, see the guide below:    
  Send files
Copy and distribute files to selected devices. For more details, see the guide below:    
  Install certificate
Installs certificates on selected devices. Verify first if the selected device supports this feature.
  Assign Advance license
Assign an Advance license to the selected devices. Advance license grants permissions to send extra commands to selected devices. For more details, see the guide below:    
  Remove Advance license
Remove the Advance license from the selected devices.  For more details, see the guide below:
  Add to group
Launches a popup where you can add or remove the currently selected devices to a group. For more details, see the guide below:    
  Remove device from list
Removes the selected devices from appearing in this list. Note that you can no longer manage these devices after removal.
  Download device list
Downloads an XLSX file that includes a full list of all devices added to the entity, along with additional information.
Specify a few keywords to search through device names, models, and serial numbers of all devices added under this entity.
Click to reload the list. Use to update the list if a new device has been added or removed.

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