Set permissions & roles
The Permissions page allows admins to specify permissions that define:
- the commands a user can send, and
- the device groups a user can send commands to
It is mandatory that Entity admins manage the actions that users can perform within myViewBoard Manager. Before granting users access to Manager, admins who are just starting to set up their organization are encouraged to:
- Limit users only to the devices they are assigned to
- Limit access to privileged actions which may be misused if not properly understood, such as Remote Desktop or Profiles assignments.

Configurable permissions
Manager provides several permissions that can be assigned to a user. Expand the section below to see the full list.
List of configurable user permissions
Permission | What user can do |
Device groups access | Set which groups a user has access to. |
Folders access | Set which folders a user has access to. |
Device enrollment and disenrollment |
Device group management |
Apps management |
Media management |
File management |
Usage report management |
Basic remote control commands |
Advanced remote control commands |
ViewBoard Box control |
Jobs management |
Admin privileges |
Remote desktop |
Profiles management |
Back Up and Restore |
Create new roles
Use Roles to assign a predefined set of permissions to selected users. To create a new role, perform the following:
- Click the Settings icon on the top toolbar.
- Click the Permissions option.
- Click the Roles icon.
- Click the plus icon to open the Create Role dialog:
- Type a unique name for this role
- Specify rights and resources that this role should have access to:
- Role permission
- Groups
- Resource folders
- Playlist folders
- Click OK once all desired items have been selected.
- The new role is added to the list. The Users column shows the total number of users assigned with the role.

Manage roles
Once you have the roles ready, the following actions become available:
Edit role Modify the role name and role permissions. When editing the role name, ensure that the new name is unique and has not been previously used. |
Assign role Assign users to this role. The Users column should update to reflect the total number of users assigned with the role. |
Delete role Delete this role. This action cannot be undone. Note that users assigned under this deleted role will lose all permissions granted by the role. |
Over time, you may end up with a large list of roles. Use the following tools to manage the list:
Search Click and type a few characters. Manager reads the current list and returns items that contain the characters provided. To reset the search, click . |
Refresh Click to reload the list again. Use when you've added or removed devices and the list hasn't updated yet. |
Pagination Use to navigate through the list of roles. By default, roles are presented in alphabetical order. |
Assign roles to users
Start assigning users to the created roles. To assign roles to users under the Role section, perform the following:
- Click the Settings icon on the top toolbar.
- Click the Permissions option.
- Click the Roles icon.
- Click the Add users icon to open the Assign Role dialog, which presents a list of all the users in your entity:
- Select the users you want to assign the selected roles.
- Click OK once all desired users have been selected.
- The users are added to the role. The Users column should update to reflect the total number of users assigned with the role.
Note the following behavior of the the Assign Role dialog:
- Click and type a few characters. Manager will return user names that contain the characters provided. To reset the search, click .
- The value of the Selected label indicates how many users you have already selected, regardless of location. To reset the number and start over, click Cancel.

To set permissions for individual users, use the User tab of the Permission section.
- Click the Settings icon on the top toolbar.
- Click the Permissions option.
- Click the User icon.
- The table below presents a list of all the users in your entity. Use the Name and Email columns to locate the user whose permissions need to be set.
- Click the Edit icon of the target user to open the Edit Permissions dialog:
- Individually specify permissions that this user should have access to:
- Role permission
- Groups
- Resource folders
- Playlist folders
- If you just want to apply a predefined set of permissions, click the Role dropdown and select a role. Note that this will override any custom permissions recently set.
- Click OK once all desired permissions have been set.
- Individually specify permissions that this user should have access to:
- The user is added to the role. The Users column in the Role section should update to reflect the total number of users assigned with the role.