Getting started with ManagerManaging devicesBroadcastingManager Advanced
- Manager Advanced overview
- How to get Advanced licenses
- Assign licenses
- Manage apps on Advanced devices
- Upload files and transfer to devices
- Upload media and create playlists
- Advanced broadcasting
- > More
- Startup and shutdown scheduling
- Back Up and Restore with Advanced
- Settings Lock
- Create, assign and schedule Jobs
- Create and assign Profiles
- Remote Desktop
- Update firmware from external source
- Install and manage certificates
- Reports
- Action Log
- Set permissions & roles
- Control devices by groups
- Startup mode
- Standby mode
Other Manager info
Manager UI overview
Manager uses an icon and menu-based navigation system that allows users to access all available features.
Right menu panel
By default, Manager displays the Device page on launch. The manager side menu provides access to various functions in Manager.
- Click on the left side menu to view all available pages.
- Each page has its own set of actions.
The following pages are available:
Dashboard Summarizes information related to all your registered devices and active subscriptions. |
Devices Displays all devices registered under the current entity. This page also provides access to commands that can be sent to your devices. More info here: |
Resources Upload, organize, and manage a library of media files that Manager can use in specific actions (broadcasting, playlist creation, etc). More info below: |
Apps Upload, organize, and manage a library of Android application (APK) files that Manager can remotely install to your devices. More info here: |
Playlists Organize and manage your media files into custom playlists for more convenient broadcasting. More info here: |
Jobs Set a command so it will always be sent with a custom configuration, run on a specified schedule, and target selected devices. More info below: |
Profiles Create a group of custom commands that can be applied to multiple devices. More info below: |
Reports Generate and download a usage report based on the specified devices and date. Reports can be displayed as a pie chart or a bar chart. More info below: |
Control View all connected ViewBoard Box instances. This page also provides access to commands that can be sent to your devices. More info below: |
Action Log Presents a history of activities logged for the current entity. More info below: |

Items on top bar
The top bar contains the the current Manager version and logo. The following options are also available on the top bar and are accessible on all pages.
Notifications Displays all alerts and messages sent by the system. |
Settings Launches pages that allow configuration of specific Manager options. |
Knowledge Base Contains links to various online help resources for Manager. |
Subscription information Provides details about the current subscription status. |
Entity selection If managing multiple entities, click to load data for another entity. |
Account information Displays the account name and email of the user currently logged in. |