
Online Whiteboard for Efficient Collaboration


Online Whiteboard for Efficient Collaboration

Entity profile

Use the Entity Profile page to check the details of your entity account. Note that this page is only available to users that sign in using an Entity admin account.

Access Entity profile

To access the Entity Profile page, perform the following steps:

  1. Launch the TeamOne dashboard view.
  2. Click your User avatar on the top right.
  3. Select Manage entity from the list.
  4. By default, the Entity Profile page appears.

Entity profile sections

The Entity profile page contains the following sections:

Entity profile

This section displays the name used when the Entity was registered. Use this to verify if you signed in with the correct entity account. 

  • Click the Advanced entity management link to open the Entity Management page in in a new tab.
  • Note that the Entity name is read-only. To update this name, contact your ViewSonic representative.

Plan details

The Plan details section provides a summary of key information about the Entity's current plan. The following information are available: 

Details Description
Current plan The plan that the entity is currently subscribed to
Start date The date when the current plan was first activated
Expiration date The date when the current plan will expire
Total teams The total number of teams allowed for this plan
Entity licenses The total number of users allowed for this plan

To extend the plan's expiration date or increase the amount of teams and licenses allowed, consider upgrading to a higher plan. 

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